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Staff, Program Participants, and Community

Working Together to

Inspire Hope and

Transform Lives ... 



Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology

The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard's Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology is Accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).  Initial Accreditation was 12/2/2016, and the next site visit is scheduled for 2021.  Questions related to the program's accreditation status should be directed to the


Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation 

and Accreditation

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

(202) 336-5979

Our Internship Handbook provides comprehensive information about our  Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology, including program philosophy, training site, aim, and competencies; organization, content, and implementation of the training experiences; requirements, application and selection process; policies and procedures; and forms.  You can access a copy of our Handbook  in the menu above.   

Training Program

Interns provide clinical services for adults with SPMI on Inpatient Psychiatry Units.  Utilizing person-centered, transformation, and recovery-based models of care; an informed transtheoretical approach; and evidence-based and empirically supported practices as guiding principles, we integrate a variety of treatment orientations and services, including cognitive, behavioral, existential, humanistic, and psychodynamic theories and techniques.  

Clinical Services
Application Process

The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard utilizes the uniform application process developed by APPIC and the National Matching Service.  Interns utilize the centralized application service to submit applications.  We adhere to all APPIC guidelines and procedures on information, dissemination, interviewing, selection, and notification.

Please note: All staff, including Psychology Interns, are required to have received the COVID-19 vaccination.  



Doctoral Internship in Clinical Psychology:


801 W Girard Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19122

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