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  1. 2000 hours of clinical training logged by Interns in format provided by the Training Director and signed by the Supervisor.

  2. Development of sequential training goals at the start of the year, and satisfactory evaluations of competencies and updated individual training goals provided and reviewed four times a year, with a minimum rating of "4" expected on each item of the evaluation at the completion of internship.  

  3. A minimum of 25% of hours will be Direct Face-to-Face Service with clinical activities including treatment, assessment, and psychological testing (including minimum of 3 comprehensive batteries and comprehensive integrative reports). 

  4. Two hours per week of individual supervision by a Doctoral Level Licensed Psychologist who meets supervision standards required by the Pennsylvania Board of Examiners in Psychology, and a minimum of 4 hours of total supervision by a Doctoral Level Licensed Psychologist, with observation of clinical work during each quarter and Secondary Supervision by another Licensed Psychologist.  

  5. Participation in at least 90% of didactic training activities.

  6. Participation in ongoing professional socialization and peer support activities with the intern-resident cohort and the hospital staff. 

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